Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's in a Name?

The little woman and I proud to be the grandparents of two new grandchildren, a boy and a girl. They join our older grandchildren, also a boy and a girl, for a total of four.

I couldn't persuade my own children nor their spouses to do something which Christians used to do, namely, name your child according to the name of the saint of birth day and the name of the saint of baptism day. My parents almost did so with me; if they would have, I would've been called Gregory (day of birth, St. Gregory the Great) Patrick (day of baptism, St. Patrick). Nonetheless, Jonka and I followed this practice for our own kids. That's why, e.g., our first boy is named Helen Margaret.

-Old Doc

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And what a fine-looking Helen he is!