Friday, October 17, 2008

Can't See (or Hear) the Forest for the Trees

"If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does the tree make a sound?" This is a popular "problem," and the common answer is "Obviously no, because for sound to be sound, it must be heard, and no one is around to hear this tree." Not so fast, says Marilyn Mach Vos Savant, the famous magazine-article writer who has been recorded as having the highest i.q. of anyone in the world. She points out that animals and birds are probably near the tree, and as soon as one of them hears it falling, the tree has made a sound. Way to go, Marilyn. I have a crush on Marilyn---she's both superintelligent and easy on the eyes. Moreover, I enjoy the irony in her name. "Savant" is French for "wise" or "smart," and "Mach" is German for "strong" or "very." There you go: "Marilyn Very Smart." Now I wonder if she knows the answer to "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" (Actually, she does, but that's a later blog.)

-Old Doc

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