Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Body and Soul

I don't think that in all my life I've said "God bless you" to someone who sneezed. It seems to me to be theological overkill to call upon the Lord God Ruler of the universe, who is so busy up there supervising the great computers which run the universe, to take time to send a special blessing upon a human who has just sneezed. It's just a sneeze, for heaven's sake (whoops, not literally). It's a minor, spontaneous, natural bodily function. This person won't need to be taken to the hospital emergency room, nor will his soul suddenly leave his body, nor is he evil, if he's not blessed by God at this moment. And why do we call upon the deity for only the sneeze? I think the next time I'm in public, I'll announce "God bless you" to all persons near me who not only sneeze, but who also experience other spontaneous functions, namely, coughs, belches, and farts.

-Old Doc

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