Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Scrambled or Fried?

Back to Marilyn Mach Vos Savant. She undertakes what is considered to be the unanswerable question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Look, she says, everyone agrees, at least to some extent, with the scientific explanation of evolution of everything. So back in time, the animal which we now categorize as a chicken wasn't yet a chicken; it was, say, a blugup, which looked roughly like a chicken. Then at one point in time, one or more particular blugups underwent genetic changes which encoded in their d.n.a. what we would call "chicken genes." Then when this blugup laid her next egg, the baby which emerged from the egg was technically the first chicken. This first male or female chicken passed on its chicken d.n.a. to subsequent chickens. From this explanation, the answer is "The chicken came first." But if one says that this original change of d.n.a. could have happened first in the egg instead of in the chicken, then we could argue that this change in the egg---though substantially changing the unhatched blugup into an unhatched chicken---was still due to the egg having received just enough genetic-code change from its parent blugup which at that point had already become a quasi-chicken. The answer would remain, "The chicken came first." I don't well understand all this scientific stuff, but if my girlfriend Marilyn said it, I believe it.

-Old Doc

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