Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cue the Violins

Oh, baloney on John McCain and Barack Obama saying how rough they had it as kids. Hell, when I was in high school, after my after-school sports practice, I would go to work until midnight or 1:00 a.m. at the Frostop Drive-Inn. Not many Frostops around anymore. I was the grill cook. Now this is another recurring nightmare, as I dream I'm back at that joint, my hot, greasy, steaming grill overloaded with hundreds of burning hamburger patties, and the orders just keep a-comin'. Well, that's pretty much how it was in reality. In my dreams, I do what I did in reality, namely, scoop up from the filthy floor many a patty which I accidentally knocked off the grill. No earphoned McDonald's-type manager in those days to look over my shoulder. A little taste of floor germs never hurt anybody---probably built up my customers' immune system.

And picking cotton. I betcha (whoops, there I go again, unconsciously speaking Palinism) neither McCain nor Obama ever picked cotton in the hot, humid summer sun. Talk about backbreaking work---I did it for two summers with my brother.

In the last, oh, I'd say 50 years, when I order a hamburger at a McDonald's or Burger King, I always make sure it's without ketchup (can't stand the stuff) and without meat---and I've worn no other clothes but polyester. Kids and politicians these days are nambie-pambies.

-Old Doc

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