Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Superman Would Agree

The little woman and I were at a party the other night (a party with HER friends, not mine---I don't have any). The small group with whom we were standing began discussing local construction, new buildings and condos, etc. It prompted me to ask the group, "What's the strongest thing in the world?" "Steel," some said, "Diamonds," others replied. "No," I clarified, "it's the brassiere. It can hold up two milk factories and a playground for boys." Boy, when I said that, the men and women in the group were taken aback. No one spoke, a couple cleared their throat, and Jonka gave me the meanest silent gaze. Then she took me aside into the adjoining room. "You embarrassed the hell out of us," she said. "How could you say such a thing in front of mixed company?" she continued, explaining "The word is 'bra,' not 'brassiere'---no one's said 'brassiere' in decades!"

-Old Doc

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