Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hope for a Reader

I see that, among my hundreds, perhaps even dozens, of reader-fans, the favorite movie of one of them is "The Hudsucker Proxy." "The Hudsucker Proxy"?! Who in the world remembers that movie, let alone lists it as his favorite? Who in the world even understood "Hudsucker"? Understanding "Hudsucker" is like understanding the dense, contorted "Dune" of years ago. Not even Roger Ebert understood "Dune." What kind of person would even admit to understanding or liking "Dune" and "Hudsucker Proxy"? I don't know---maybe, maybe someone into . . . into . . . neuroscience or quantum physics? We can only hope.

-Old Doc


Anonymous said...

Well Doc I never much liked the "proxy" I always figured it was, I don't know - for the kids.

Anonymous said...

I never much liked "The Proxy." I always figured it was you know, for the kids.