Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Language 5: No Free Lunch

I'm refusing any more from store clerks, from stores via the mail, etc. I'm sick and tired of being offered or sent "free gifts." Jeez, has anyone ever heard of an unfree gift? A gift by definition is and must be free. "Gift" itself is from the Latin "gratus" ("free," "grace" [i.e., unearned; no cost] ). Just offer or give me a gift, okay? Which in turn reminds me of the violation of "gratuity" on my restaurant-meal bill. Some restaurants charge me a MANDATORY 10 or 15 percent "gratuity." Damnit, change its name, then, from "gratuity" or "tip" to "tax"---it's then a TAX. And, waiter, just don't you dare give me a "free gift" with my mandatory-tip meal bill.

-Old Gargoyle

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