Sunday, November 9, 2008

Let Your Little Light Shine

An impending storm cast darkness across the town and over a particular school in which I was teaching. We needed to prepare for extra light, so I decided to light a few candles in the front of the classroom. "Does anyone have a light?" I asked. The blond girl in the very first desk in the first row quickly replied, "Oh, I do," as she reached down for her purse, and removed a cigarette lighter. "Here, use this," she said. I immediately suspended her on the spot from school for possessing tobacco paraphenalia. Lord, I love fooling airhead blonds. I kept her lighter.

-Old Gargoyle


Unknown said...

Hilarious, but what if she contests it was a candle lighter? You have no case, clearly, as a lighter is not universally defined as tobacco paraphernalia, least by you in malicious circumstances with an easy blonde.

Anonymous said...

Ah, this brought me back to my time in said classroom taught by our infamous blogger. Very good stuff, pretty easy target it seems.

Thanks for the memories, I will definitely check this out more now that I have found it.