Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Filthy Lucre

The elections finally are finished. In one of my local contests, the two politicians fought over the inclusion or exclusion of "in God we trust" and "under God" in certain legal documents. I did some research. I discovered that in the 200+ years of the United States, we don't have a single factual case nor a single rumored case of any individual or group ever halting their committing of robbery, theft, embezzlement, fraud, etc. because they suddenly realized, "Hey, wait a minute! This money has 'God' on it! We can't continue." Nor do we have any real or rumored case of anyone walking into a dangerous neighborhood, etc. with a money-packed wallet or purse, and feeling invincible against robbers because "God" appeared on their bills. Go figure. And yet several of Jesus' parables in the gospels deal with the handling of money.

-Old Doc

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