Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This Mickey Ain't No Mouse

He's not an A-list actor, but he's been one of my favorites for a long time: Mickey Rourke. From "9 1/2 Weeks" and "Bar Fly" to the recent "Sin City," Mickey has been a fine character. A few years ago, Mickey semi-retired from the screen in order to pursue his childhood interest, pro boxing. Although skinny and middle-aged, he beefed up, fought and won a batch of pro fights as a lightheavyweight. He retired from that, returned to acting in small roles, and is back in a big way starring in the current flick, "The Wrestler." He plays an over-the-hill pro grappler, and talk among critics of an Oscar nomination for him has begun. Hell, if Mickey did it, so can I. I've begun intensive physical training, and expect to have my first boxing match this spring. Besides inspiration from him to do some fighting, he's inspiring me to do some acting. So in the ring I'll just be pretending to know what I'm doing. Wish me and Mickey luck this spring.

-Old Doc

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