Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cheap Gold

It always seemed to me that for an activity to be called a sport and not merely a recreation, it should significantly engage one's body with at least two or three of these four "s" characteristics: skill, strength, speed, stamina. Is, for example, auto racing a sport? It certainly requires skill and, I guess, if the race is long enough, stamina; but serious strength is not involved, and speed is the property of the car, not the driver. Maybe a winner's prize should be given strictly to the car---maybe give it a new coat of paint. Is golf a sport? Again, much skill is needed, but where are the substantial strength, speed, or stamina? Stamina is found in the caddie's back and in the golf cart's battery. Maybe this is why older men can stil play this "sport." And what's with archery and rifle shooting at the Olympics? Skill, period. I haven't seen the badminton games, but I don't think I want to. I think I'd be embarrassed to be awarded a gold medal for archery, stationary rifle shooting, or badminton.

-Old Doc

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