Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Palin by Comparison

I'm confused. Is it wrong to vote for Sarah Palin (and John McCain) only because she's as cute as a button? Just how sacred is the sacred right to vote? I don't know. I have to admit that, beginning with the Presidential election of 1972 and continuing for the next few, this is what I did in the voting booth: Always surprised to find the list of Presidential candiates numbering about a dozen instead of the expected two, I'd become excited about the possibilities. The name of Gus Hall always caught my eye. Hall was the perennial ("perennial"? What is the word for "every four years"?) candidate for the U.S. Communist Party. I didn't care. I think his name subconsiously reminded me of Huntz Hall, the goofball member of the gang in the old "Bowery Boys" movie series; he played "Satch," and I always enjoyed him. So Gus Hall received my vote time after time. But Gus is gone. Will I now find myself voting for Palin? Does she subconsiously remind me of my fifth-grade classmate, Sharon, on whom I had a crush?

-Old Doc

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