Thursday, December 23, 2010

Feeling Anything Yet?

I've previously complained how Americans in general and even professional media persons in particular confuse "feel" and "think." "Feel" denotes emotion, whereas "think" denotes thought or idea. So the interviewer asks, "Tell me, Senator, how do you feel about the new tax policy?" And the senator spends two minutes giving an analysis of the political and economic implications of the policy, to the interviewer's satisfaction. But I shout at the tv screen, "No, no, Senator, she asked how you FEEL about it! Simply answer "Angry" or "Joyful" or "Sad"!

As has been said by someone, Christmas is the feeling Christian's holyday, whereas Easter is the thinking Christian's holyday. Christmas is all warm and fuzzy and baby cutsie. So if anyone asks me how or what I feel about Christmas, I'll answer simply "Yes."

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