Friday, February 19, 2010

Black and White and Red/Read All Over

After returning from New Orleans, I was pleasantly surprised to hear from the newspaper office in Dover. They wanted to hire me for the newspaper route for which I had applied!

My appearance at the newspaper-prep station was met with laughter and derision as I appeared on my rusty, red 1957 Roadmaster bicycle equipped with front-bar basket and back-wheel saddle bag, which I used on my paper route from my youth. To hell with them; I wasn't going to deliver papers from a car, which is "the way" it's done these days.

The route took me four hours, but I was out of practice. I couldn't deliver, though, to houses in the side streets still covered with feet of snow. My supervisor didn't like that, and chewed me out for it. But let's see him drag a 150-pound bike full of newspapers through snow. There's gotta be a better way.

I don't know if I'll be able to continue the route. Jonka doesn't appreciate having to spend two hours tending to my near-frostbitten hands and feet.

1 comment:

The Cajun Gal said...

Always old-school, our doc.