Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Perhaps the Pen IS Mightier

I've seen several reports on television of various people rescued from dangerous situations---such as wandering into snowstorms, wandering into unusual mountains or caves, taking wrong paths here or there, crossing borders into foreign countries, etc.---in which they knowingly broke a law or a warning while doing so. But when these persons are rescued, I never see or read about them apologizing for violating the law, let alone for the large expenditure of public money and often the risk of life caused to their rescuers. They're grateful, but no apology. On the contrary, they often are invited to appear on such programs as "Good Morning, America" where the interviewer can delight in their "Whew, that was a close one" adventure.

In contrast, today I returned a few books to my local public library. Because they were almost a week overdue, the assistant librarian wanted me to show remorse for breaking the library's rule in addition to me paying the small fine. When I refused, she had madame head librarian join her in demanding emotional remorse from me before they would open the electronic door-gate to allow me to leave. Go figure. I had to fake it, of course.

Once outside the library, I looked around the parking lot, but didn't see the local media wanting to
interview and share delight with me.

-Old Gargoyle

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