Saturday, January 2, 2010

Snappy New Ear

Welcome to 2010 (which I shall pronounce as "twenty-ten" and not as "two-thousand ten," following my decade-long pronunciation of "twenty-o-one" to "twenty-o-nine," an articulation copied by only one national media person---as far as I can tell---in the past ten years, namely, Charles Osgood, the host of CBS' "Sunday Morning" show).

As was the custom from the good old days back in my home region, at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve I fired my pistol into the air, emptying its clip. Unfortunately, a couple of bullets hit my neighbor's satellite dish, and a third one hit Old Emory's living-room skylight. I don't think he even noticed. The police did.

-Old Gargoyle


Anonymous said...

Ther you go again. Picking, or rather shooting, at old Emory.

Old Gargoyle said...

Old Emory is solid as granite---inert, incommunicative, unpolished granite, grant it, but, nonetheless, granite.