Monday, January 11, 2010

Norbs and Nittlestops

From the I Hear It's Great for the Hands Too Department:
"Chicken Poop Lip Balm $3.99" (sign in a Walgreen's window in Indianapolis)

From the Stationary-Brain Department:
Tech-support person: "How fast does your modem go, m'am?"
Customer on phone: "It's not moving. It's just sitting there."
(actual call to a computer helpline)

From the Words Mean What They Say Department:
"These measures are permanent . . . for now" (head of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority about airport-security rules)

-Old Gargoyle


Anonymous said...

Two questions:

Chickens don't have lips, so why would they need lip balm?

I wonder who they got to do the taste test so they could comply w/ the truth in advertising laws.

-Sam Squanch

The Cajun Gal said...

Very amusing, but when are you going to comment on Sarah Palin being a Fox News analyst?