Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sweet Odor of Friendship

"You know," the little woman said to me this morning, "you don't have many friends. Lord knows, neighbor Emory hardly counts as one."

"You're right," I replied, "but it might be due to my definition of what a friend is."

"And what might that be?" Jonka asked.

"A person in whose presence you can fart."


Anonymous said...

Neighbor Emory is one friend that you know you can always count on. If you can still count at your age.

Old Gargoyle said...

Ouch, Anonymous! Eleventeen more comments like that, and you're out!

The Arse Man said...

Re: " whose presence you can fart"--I have never been so glad to have no friends.

Old Gargoyle said...

Oh come on, Arse Man, I thought this would've been your department or up your alley, so to speak.