Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sam and Janet

"Enchanted" or "Enchante' is the old-fashioned reply, usually by the woman, to the man to whom she's being introduced. It's rooted in the medieval belief that romance or love could be captured by an atmosphere of magical enchantment.

And so we have the famous song from the musical, "South Pacific." If I remember correctly, the song begins: "Sam and Janet evening / You will see a stranger. / You will see a stranger." Or something like that (I guess Sam and Janet are the main characters in the play). Which leads me to tomorrow:

Tomorrow is the "meet" anniversary for the little woman and me. It was many decades ago that we first laid eyes upon each other across a certain large meeting room---kind of a Sam and Janet happening. For me it was pure, old-fashioned enchantment. I like to think it was for her too. If I'm lucky, the spell never will evaporate; and, if I'm lucky, the enchantment won't turn into witchery.

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