Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Wish I Knew the Second Verse to "O, Canada"

This morning two Canadian Mounties knocked at my door. At first I thought they were Salvation Army or something, but to my shock I soon learned otherwise. They were here---what arrogance---to arrest me, after having finally tracked me down in Delaware---for having "assaulted" (sent to the hospital) two Canadian guys who picked a fight with me in that small town of Goosewing, Ontario way back in the '60s when I was draftdodging in Eastern Canada. So the Old Gargoyle will be "incommunicato" for awhile defending himself in Ottawa. During my absence, readers Jennifer, Chris, Nathan, etc. will take turns both hosting and cleaning this blog room (no graffiti, please).

-Old Gargoyle


Nathan Champion said...

Wait, that's too much pressure!

Jennifer said...

Shoo, you silly loiterers!