Friday, November 21, 2008


The favorite soft drinks for me and my classmates when I was a kid were Delaware Punch, Grapette, Creme Soda, and R.C. Cola. It's difficult to find any of these brands today, as they certainly are no longer very popular. Instead, we have the sissy, all-taste-the-same Coke, Pepsi, and 7-Up. But my older drinks were those which helped make us the so-called Greatest Generation---well, at least the coattail-enders. Bring 'em back, I say! Stock schools' soft-drink machines with these bottles, and watch our kids grow to be tough and patriotic!

-Old Gargoyle

1 comment:

Gonflé said...

Dearest Dr. Pugilist: I came across this today. You sprang immediately to mind.